;; -*- emacs-lisp -*-
;; $Id: emacs_minibuffer.el,v 1.2 2006-11-06 21:02:42 rscholz Exp $
;; Cabo's minibuffer

;; Kommandos fuer den Minibuffer

(defun scroll-completions-down (&optional arg)
  (interactive "p")
      (let ((compwin (get-buffer-window "*Completions*")))
        (if compwin
              (select-window compwin)
              (call-interactively 'scroll-down)))))))

(defun scroll-completions-up (&optional arg)
  (interactive "p")
      (let ((compwin (get-buffer-window "*Completions*")))
        (if compwin
              (select-window compwin)
              (call-interactively 'scroll-up)))))))

(defun ins-buffer-file-name (relative)
  "Insert the file name of the current buffer into the minibuffer."
  (interactive "*P")
  ;; We assume that the second entry in the buffer list is the "real"
  ;; current buffer, since "(current-buffer)" just returns the
  ;; minibuffer we're in.   This is obviously wrong for recursive
  ;; minibuffer excursions.
  (let ((fn (buffer-file-name (car (cdr (buffer-list))))))
    (if fn
        (if (and relative
                 (= 0 (string-match
                        (regexp-quote (expand-file-name default-directory))
            (insert (substring fn (match-end 0)))
          (insert fn))

;; Fixes fuer Filename-Completion im Minibuffer

(autoload 'comint-dynamic-complete-filename "comint" 
  "Dynamically complete the filename at point." t)

(setq cabo:shell-minibuffer-local-map (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-map))
(define-key cabo:shell-minibuffer-local-map
  "\C-i" 'comint-dynamic-complete-filename)